• Vladimir Petošević Vojna Akademija, Beograd
Keywords: Online Teaching, Course Evaluation, Evaluation of Online Learning


As institutions of higher education experience a dramatic rise in the demands for online classes, faculty members are at a loss for available tools effectively to evaluate their teaching practices. The authors of this article developed an instrument to give higher education faculty reliable feedback on their online classes. The authors developed an instrument that is unique to the online classroom and addresses issues that evaluation tools for traditional classes cannot address, such as course delivery, instructor’s online input, and efficiency of the medium. In this article, the authors report on the reliability and validity of this instrument. The author has recognized the need to develop an instrument for the evaluation of online learning that is different from those used in traditional načunu learning. Takes into account the fact that the nature of communication among participants in online courses differ from those in traditional face to face. In online learning, the teacher is presented mainly through text. As with students, teachers’ coursework is demonstrated through the number, length and quality of submissions of material. In many cases students and teachers are unhappy and never, before seen. The physical manifestation of teachers can be its images on the main page (homepage). Although this creates a difficult evaluation process, it also serves, in a sense, the knowledge received by students is more valuable because it relates directly to his experience in the course and learning materials, rather than to display the personal experience of teachers.