• Milan Miletić Fakultet organizacionih nauka
Keywords: master data, master data management, data quality, metadata


For many years, appliance of information systems in business has huge significance, because of what they also represent business area where actually large funds are invested. In the last two decades, the amount of data which are produced by these systems increased with exponential progression, so there is no doubt that data problem, their quality and management, can be considered as problem of 21st century. Many organisations, including multiple vendors, tried to solve this kind of problem using their own softver solutions, but only a few years ago started to consider the use of Master Data Management systems. Implementation of these kind of systems will significantly increase awareness among representatives of senior company management that business data are the most valuable organization assets. MDM systems control how data, essential to the company, will be handled during business processes. Those companies which invest funds in MDM development and implementation will be able to fully exploit their value and thus closer to achieving its operational and strategic objectives. MDM systems are not kind of solutions that can be easily purchased from a vendor, but above all come together in an optimal relation of business and information technology. Their next stage in evolution is inevitable and necessary, and will certainly involve much comprehensive use of metadata in the process of identifying and ensuring the quality of master data.