• Marija Maruna Arhitektonski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Departman za urbanizam
Keywords: urban planning, urban planning methodology, complex system management, software development process, Unified Process


Presented concept of the planning development process challenges improvement of the contemporary urban planning methodology on the basis of existing knowledge and experience gathered in the complex system management and development. Two main subjects to address, driven by existing problems in current urban planning practice, are: dynamics of changes in the applied ambient and complexity of the problem treated within the urban development. Those problems are in the same time also listed as main problems to be resolved by complex system management. Development of a urban plan presupposes organized, predefined and consistent set of planning tasks and activities, which should be methodologically based on used planning paradigm. Urban planning process is currently based on two, seemingly, opposite paradigms, rational and communicative­collaborative, what complicates and burdens development and establishment of this methodological approach and establishment of the proper methodology. Process of the production of the software supported solutions, is today based on the set of modern and powerful methodologies used to define, order and organize activities, tasks, responsibilities within the software development process, why we are witnessing today remarkable success in this domain. In order to benefit on this success our suggestion is to apply similar approach to establish Plan Development Process, seen as instrument, also for ordering and organizing planning and planners activities, tasks and responsibilities. Presented research aims to test possibilities of accommodation of the Unified Process, as on of the most successful methodology for software development management, to the needs of contemporary urban planning. Paper suggest development of hypothetical process for urban planning, named as Planning Development Process, to articulate reconciliation of valuable assets of rational, communicative­collaborative and other existing planning paradigms.