Development of a Decision Support System in the soldier training process

  • Željko Jokić Војна академија
  • Sandro Radovanovic Faculty of organizational sciences, University of Belgrade
  • Andrija Petrović
  • Boris Delibašić
Keywords: Decision Support Systems, Simulation, Military Training


This paper presents a decision support system applied to the training of young soldiers and cadets during the first two years at the Military Academy, with a focus on shooting skills using the DIDEX methodology. For the development of the system, cadets at the Military Academy were monitored while participating in training through simulators, which enable more effective acquisition of shooting skills through realistic scenarios. The research showed that cadets who participated in simulator training, particularly those who practiced twice a week, achieved significantly better shooting results compared to the control group and those who practiced once a week. However, spatial capacity limits the use of simulators, making it necessary to assess which trainees should be offered simulator-based training. The developed decision support system demonstrates that combining simulations with targeted counseling has the potential to significantly improve shooting performance. Furthermore, the decision support system, based on the DIDEX methodology, provides personalized training recommendations tailored to the individual needs of shooters.

Information engineering