Мерења перформанси дигиталног маркетинга пре и током пандемије COVID-19

  • Tijana Jugovic University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences
  • Velimir Štavljanin University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences
  • Nikola Gluhović University of East Sarajevo, Pale Faculty of Economics
  • Milica Kostić-Stanković University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Keywords: Keywords: digital marketing, digital metrics, performance measurement, hotel industry, COVID-19, Bosnia and Herzegovina


  In the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, hotel managers are activating the area of ​​marketing and digital media, as the primary instrument of communication with target groups and the general public.
Given the fact that the additional activation of digital media affects the increase in the level of investment, hotel managers are interested in evaluating the results of digital marketing,
especially in the era of a pandemic crisis when efficiency is managed and cost rationalization is imperative. This paper identified digital metrics used by hotel managers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The research results indicate a change in the measurement levels of digital indicators before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper also shows changes in managers' attitudes about the usefulness of digital metrics in the hotel management process before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The research was conducted in hotels of winter tourist centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina and can serve as a good basis for the development of a system for measuring digital metrics in hotels of winter tourist destinations in the region.
Digital marketing and multimedia