A Domain-Specific Language for MCAL layer mockup in AU TOSA R SIL Simulation
The Autosar standard provides a set of specifications for developing software architectures for automotive electronics systems. One key aspect of Autosar standard is that application layer is not dependent on the microcontroller. In this paper, we explore the possibilities of testing application part of the Autosar software with mockup modules for microcontroller layer and demonstrate how a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) can be used to generate hardware independent code for the Autosar microcontroller layer for software in the loop (SIL) simulation. We provide an example DSL that allows the user to define the parameters for the FLS (Flash Memory Driver) module, generate code for driver initialization, erasing, programming data, and reading data from the module. We show how this code can be used to connect the FLS module to the Fee module, enabling operations on the FLS memory in accordance with the Autosar standard. We also discuss the benefits and limitations of using a software mockup of the FLS module for testing and simulation purposes, without relying on the hardware. We will show how the software mockup of the FLS module can be used to help the testing and simulation of the upper software layer, which is not hardware dependent.