Production systems 4.0

  • Анђела Ђорђевић Факултет организационих наука
  • Биљана Цветић Факултет организационих наука
Keywords: Industry 4.0, advanced production systems, smart factory, smart manufacturing, syber – physical systems.


The purpose of this paper is understanding of Industry 4.0 concepts and production systems. Research domain are smart factories and smart manufacturing compared to traditional manufacturing. Methodological approach involves comparative analysis of traditional production lines and smart factory production systems. Result of the paper is ensured with extended comparative analysis based on literature review. In this paper, a categorical framework of Industry 4.0 manufacturing which represents a solid basis for Industry 4.0 development, is also shown. As the paper’s result, concepts which programmable production systems need to reach in order to completely fulfill production systems 4.0 requirements, are also explicitly stated.

Information systems