The Future and Challenges of BDD

  • Милутин Цветковић информациони системи, дигитални маркетинг
  • Sladjan Babarogic
Keywords: behavior-driven, test-driven, agile software development, executable specification, living documentation, BDD, TDD


Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) is an agile software development process. Chronologically and evolutionarily, it comes as a continuation of Test-Driven development and, as such, introduces certain innovations that aim at better communication and understanding of the project from the beginning, but also a larger number of interlocutors that includes not only technical persons or IT representatives. Although there are good practices, comparing it with other development processes but also understanding some of its shortcomings, BDD continues to change and adapt. The topic of this paper is, in addition to creating a detailed description and essence, as well as comparisons with other influential techniques and processes of modern software engineering, to point out potential guidelines for further improvement. The essence is in creating and delivering better software solutions that bring real value to their users - customers and end customers, but also to the organization that implements them. Creating the right software in the right way is based on communication and understanding the main reasons for looking for a solution. BDD introduces methodology, structure and formalism, but also automation in the process of communication and implementation.

Author Biography

Милутин Цветковић, информациони системи, дигитални маркетинг
PhD studies at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, study program Information Systems and Quantitative Management, study field Information Systems.
Information systems