Comparative Analysis of Single Page Application development using Redux pattern and conventional method of development

  • Bojana Gosic P3 Group
  • Sasa Lazarevic Univerzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet organizacionih nauka
Keywords: state management, Redux, single page applications, comparative analysis


Appearance of vast number of frameworks, based on single page, introduced term components to us, state of components that should be tracked and synchronization with other components. Paper will introduce strategies for state management in single page applications, specifically, using Redux pattern. In paper, we created two single page applications (using framework Angular 8), where one of them is not using state management pattern, and other is derived from first one, with same software requirements, but using Redux pattern. Both applications will use same server, API implemented using .NET Core framework. In paper, we will tackle, in details, difference in communication between components, both with and without state management pattern, and explain how adding new features to the application and maintenance is facilitated. Based on carefully chosen software metrics, we will compare applications, and give recommendations in which case it is better to use state management pattern, and when it is more appropriate to use conventional method of development.

Information technologies